Saturday, May 2, 2009


Date: 5/2/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: Zephyr on 75', 3d on 18'
Wind: 0 - 5 mph, N (and none)
Weather: Mostly sunny, 70º

Not much wind, so I ran around in circles (backwards) with the 3d. On one try I made it at least three complete times around for at least 1080º. I was getting a little dizzy so I might have underestimated the number of times - it may have been four times around.

With a very light wind I was getting some very nice slow axels, with some very low-to-the-ground. I also got some nice 3d fades (walking fast backwards) and even a fade where I lateral-rolled it out to a flying position.

I flew the 3d without its top spreader, though I'm not sure how much difference it made.

The wind picked up a little and I flew the Zephyr for about 20 minutes. It was a bit of a struggle to keep it up in the air.

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