Sunday, May 31, 2009

Every Day in May!

Date: 5/31/09 (34th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 5 - 10 mph, SE
Weather: Sunny, 78º

I accomplished my goal of flying a kite every day in May! I've also got a personal record of 34 days-in-a-row of flying! I may not be able to keep this string going as I start my new job tomorrow. Also, as it's getting hotter and more humid out, a goal is for me to find an indoors place to fly.

Today's fly started out great in my favorite soccer field. I arrived there later than I preferred due to an early bike ride along the Missouri River. It was a beautiful day and the wind was great - just right for all my kite tricks.

A new combo! Jacob's Ladder (or possibly just one rung of a J's Ladder). It starts from a fade, then a lateral roll into a backflip, half a lazy susan, then pull it (kind of an un-wrap) back to a fade. I'm not sure if the directions of the parts (i.e. right, left, clockwise, etc.) are important, but I did pull off all the parts in the correct order, and on purpose. I came close to repeating the trick a couple times, but only did it for real once.

Then soccer players arrived and I shifted to the next field and after 15 minutes had to shift again to a football field with trees near it. About then the wind seemed to be dying and it started to get much hotter. So I wen t home. So endeth the last flying day in May.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Strange Wind Blowin'

Date: 5/30/09 (33rd day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 8 - 16 mph, S and SW
Weather: Sunny, 70-78º

There was an odd wind today, at least near the ground. It was a medium strong wind up high, but almost zero closer to the ground. This made getting into and holding fades challenging. It may have been because I was flying in a different field (near my favorite) that has trees nearer to it and is about 3 or 4 feet lower than the adjoining soccer fields.

540s and backspins were very nice today. I tried flic-flacs at a much higher altitude - they worked OK up there.

Friday, May 29, 2009

540s and Backspins With My Zephyr!

Date: 5/29/09 (32nd day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85', Zephyr on 90'
Wind: 1 - 8 mph, SW
Weather: Sunny, 70-75º

The wind was a little light today so it was a challenge to keep the kites up and many times I ended up carrying the kite downwind the length of the field.

I tried the Zephyr first as usual. Then I put in the extra tail weight that came with the kite (17.5 grams). This was the first time I tried the tail weight. It did seem to fly a little slower and "heavier" but the extra weight didn't affect most of the tricks too much at all. It did affect the 540s and backspins! Both of these tricks, which had never worked without the weight, worked just fine with the weight. I flew several of each of the tricks to confirm that the kite was generally able to do them with the extra weight.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

540s on the Right Side? Nope.

Date: 5/28/09 (31st day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 5 - 8 mph, N
Weather: Mostly cloudy, 65º

I flew most of the usual tricks.

I tried to do a 540 at the right-hand side of the wind window and didn't succeed at all. 540s on the left-hand side worked great today. Maybe it's because the right-hand side needs its main input with my left hand. And because I'm a little dyslexic?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Two Flies

Date: 5/27/09 (30th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: 3d on 12'
Wind: 0 - 3 mph, NW
Weather: Cloudy, 68º

Today, part 1, was with very little wind with the 3d kite while Annett did an exercise walk in the park. I did the usual with the 3d: loops, axels, 360s. The grass was very wet, as was the kite at the end of the fly.

Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 6 - 4 mph, N
Weather: Cloudy, 68º

Today, part 2, was done on impulse around supper time. The day had cleared off and the wind was stronger, though not as strong as I thought it would be. Though the grass was now dry, it had been mowed and my socks and Crocs got covered and filled with grass.

I mostly practiced fades, flic-flacs, and backspins. One time when I popped the 1/2-axel at the start of a cascade try, the kite popped upwards (sideways) substantially. With the right timing this kind of mothion could really help a rising cascade - I'll have to work on that.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Two Tries

Date: 5/26/09 (29th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 6 - 14 mph, S, SW
Weather: Cloudy, rain, mostly cloudy, 70º

Soon after I started flying it started raining, enough that I was going to get soaked. So I packed up, drove around a bit, went on an errand, and then came back to fly again. The second time it was mostly cloudy with no rain. The wind was a little strange with a lot less of it near the ground. This made fades hard to hold. I flew most of my usual tricks though and finished up with a very nice 540.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day - Rainy Days and Mondays...

Date: 5/25/09 (28th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 7 -12 mph, E
Weather: Cloudy (rained twice), 70º

Its Memorial Day and so, of course it rains! Actually, the rain didn't last too long and I didn't get too wet, and although the kite did get wet it didn't care. It was a good day for almost all the tricks I know. Of note, I did get a triple-lazy susan and quadruple backspin.

Note to self: if a backspin fails near the ground it almost always results in a dead launch position (resulting in a little walk); try to do backspins from a little higher up.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Very Short Fly

Date: 5/24/09 (27th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 2 - 4 mph, NE
Weather: Sunny, 73º

Today I only flew my E2 for only a very short while. I had to fly, if for no other reason than to keep my days-in-a-row record going. The goal now is to fly a kite every day during the month of May.

Even though short, today's fly counts as it included a select set of tricks including a few backspins and axels.

I could have got out the 3d, but it was too warm and humid to run around outside (probably not totally true, but still a good excuse).

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Short lines

Date: 5/23/09 (26th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: Zephyr on 20', 3d on 12'
Wind: 0 - 3 mph, W
Weather: Sunny, 75º

Some short lines:

  • 20' lines
  • needed more wind
  • axels
  • launch to a fade
  • 12' lines
  • 360s
  • axels
  • low axels
  • slow axles
  • loops

Friday, May 22, 2009

E2 Backspins, Yes -- Zephyr Backspins, No

Date: 5/22/09 (25th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85', Zephyr on 70'
Wind: 8 - 2 mph, SW
Weather: Sunny, 70º

I started with the E2 and had some good backspins, fades, and flares. Then as the wind slowly died down I switched to the Zephyr. I had as a goal for the day to backspin the Zephyr. I failed at it. Maybe the Zephyr needs to have the tail weight installed before it can backspin (and 540). Or maybe the flier (me) needs to get better at it :^)

I was able to pull off a nice combo with the Zephyr: Yo-yo to backflip to lazy susan to a yo-yo unwrap.

As the wind died down it became difficult to fly a fade, though with the Zephyr the fades feel more stable than fades with the E2.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

More Backspin News

Date: 5/21/09 (24th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 4 - 8 mph, SW
Weather: Sunny (more humid), 65º

Again I had a gentle early morning wind from 8:00-9:30 am. I'm flying early to avoid the hotter part of the day - though it's still not getting super hot yet.

Backspin news: I did 2 left-backspins recovering to a fade followed by 2 right-backspins also recovering to a fade! I'm finally noticing that if I pull the up wing (trying for a backspin) then the kite does a lateral roll instead.

I also improved a bit on flic-flacs and cascades.

540s and lazy susans didn't happen today.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Backspins are Fun!

Date: 5/20/09 (23rd day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 5 - 9 mph, S
Weather: Sunny, 60º

Today I had a gentle early morning wind from 8:00-9:00 am.

Backspins worked well again with doubles and triples recovering to fades.

I worked on lazy susans (single and dbl), a few 540s, and flares to fades. I "discovered" that with flares to fades at higher speeds I need to remember to continue moving forward during the pull to the fade.

I met (and pet) the kite-string-eating dog again today. He didn't snack on my string THIS time.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Great Day For All the Tricks!

Date: 5/19/09 (22nd day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 7-11 mph, S
Weather: Sunny, 75º

The wind was just right for almost all the tricks I can do with a kite!

Backspins worked very well including 3-in-a-row, 2-in-a-row, 1 left followed by 1 right, and singles.

Fades, flic-flacs, 540s, and lazy susans (single and doubles) all worked well today. This was the most fun day (out of a bunch of fun days) in a long time!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Oversteered Slides and Hard Fades

Date: 5/18/09 (21st day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 5 mph low to ground, 12 mph higher up, S
Weather: Sunny, 67º

Today it was hard to hold the kite in a fade. It almost seemed like there was a mild downdraft near the ground that wouldn't let the kite fade very well.

This E2 kite seems to be "tricky" rather than "precise." So for side slides it is very hard for me to hold it level; it always wants to oversteer.

I did try (and somewhat succeed) at flares at a higher speed.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Flew (and watched soccer)

Date: 5/17/09 (20th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85', 3d on 20'
Wind: 1-7 mph (varied a lot), NE (N-NE-E)
Weather: Sunny, 61º

I watched the soccer games being played next to me whenever the wind died down too much.

I did 540s, fades, double lazy susan, fades to backflip, axels, 1/2-axels, cascades (a little better).

Loops and a few axels.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Tina

Date: 5/16/09 (19th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: Zephyr on 70'
Wind: 4-7 mph, N
Weather: Sunny (sunset), 61º

What worked: lazy susans, fades, flares to fades, 1/2-axels, axels.
What didn't work: 540s and backspins
What was new: a combo: fade to lateral roll to backflip to lazy susan (to ground). Also, today I had the best downwind glide so far!

The "Happy Birthday" birthday goes to my Suttner concertina which arrived exactly three years ago.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Backspin progress

Date: 5/15/09 (18th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 7-1 mph, S; then switch to 15 mph N
Weather: Cloudy, 77º

I made some very nice progress on backspins. Twice I started in a fade, did a backspin, and ended in a fade. Once I did the same only with two backspins!

I did several nice 540s and a good set of flic-flacs plus lots of slow axels and 1/2-axels.

Today I had a job interview with eMINTS, which went extremely well!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Date: 5/14/09 (17th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: 3d on 12'
Wind: 0-3 mph, NW
Weather: Sunny, 70º

In today's very light wind I flew my 3d. It was fun doing some 360s, loops, and axels. I also got a couple helicopters where the kite does a lazy spiral down from almost directly over head - a very graceful trick.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Backspin crashes

Date: 5/13/09 (16th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 5-10 mph, S
Weather: Cloudy, 75º

I did some nice 540s.

I tried to do the backspin (a horizontal 360 in the fade position), but the kite either crashed or lateral-rolled to fly away, or to a potential backflip position.

The top spreader seemed to pop out lots today :^(

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Gusty winds

Date: 5/12/09 (15th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 15-20 (gusty) mph, SW
Weather: Sunny, 63º

Since the wind was much stronger than I prefer and gusty, I was a bit conservative in the tricks I tried today. I mostly did side-slides, backflips, axels, 1/2-axels, and 540s (at the left side of the wind window). I may not have turned out to fly at all except that I wanted to keep my string of days-in-a-row going.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Low Wind Day - 3d Back Flip

Date: 5/11/09 (14th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: Zephyr on 70', 3d on 20'
Wind: 0 - 6 (mostly 2) mph, NW, N, SE (and none)
Weather: Partly cloudy, 70º

This was a low wind day with the wind coming from different directions or from nowhere at all.

With the 3d I flew some 360s, loops, and axles. I did about 3 backflips, a new trick for me with the 3d.

With the Zephyr I spent most of the flying time just trying to keep it airborne. I did do a couple lazy susans and a bunch of axels of different sorts.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Kites Over Grinnell, Sun.

Date: 5/10/09 (13th day in a row)
Place: Kites Over Grinnell, Grinnell, IA
Kites: E2 on 85', Wren on 12', Widow Maker (black widow spider)
Wind: 9-14 (gusts to 22) mph, N-NW
Weather: Cloudy, then sunny, 54-66º

The second day at "Kites over Grinnell" started out cloudy with still a little too much wind (for my taste). The day got sunnier and the wind moderated a bit. And the indoor kiting had perfect conditions :^) There were far less general public attending as if the advertising was not done correctly. But, it was Mother's Day, so that may have been a factor in the number of people attending. There weren't as many mega-kites in the air either, but in general I enjoyed the less crowded feel of the 2nd day (though the 1st day was not really too crowded at all either).

I started off watching Jim Overmann and his son Nathan flying Widow Maker "spider" kites. Jim then let me fly his Widow Maker which was fun trying out a different stunt kite. I was able to do a 540 with it, which Jim had never accomplished, proving to him that the kite has the capability. Jim was much better than me at some other tricks including getting into a yo-yo wrap from a flare. I asked him whether I was far enough away from the tall "golf-ball fence." He thought I was far enough, after which I proceeded to crash/hang his kite just over the top of the fence. I had to lower the kite to where he could unhook the kite from the lines, then I pulled the lines back to my side of the fence -- no damage done to either his kite or lines.

Inside the gym I once again flew Ryan Larkey's Wren. This time I flew using my own 12' lines which I think was a better length for me in this space. Many thanks, Ryan!

I also talked Craig Wilson into letting me try his tumbling cube. It was weird to fly, but fun. I was able to keep it off the floor and not crash it, though a couple times it seemed to be "attacking me." Thank you, Craig!

I got a quick lesson on a quad-line Revolution kite. You basically have to un-learn how you fly a dual-line kite and then not think too much about what you are doing -- just fly the kite. I was not very good at it (though to be fair the wind was not the greatest), but with a bit of time, I think I could learn to fly a quad-line kite without too much problem.

I also flew my own E2 kite twice, early in the day and then again near the end of the day. The wind was a bit variable, even nearly dying down at the end of the day. I flew a lot of my basic tricks, but no flic-flacs, nor backspins.

All in all, I had a very fun time at this festival.

(I plan to add some photos/videos (or links to them) after I get caught up with this blog (I'm about a week behind).)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Kites Over Grinnell, Sat.

Date: 5/9/09 (12th day in a row)
Place: Kites Over Grinnell, Grinnell, IA
Kites: Skyfox on 85', Wren on 16', Skate
Wind: 15-25 (gusts to 30) mph, NW
Weather: Mostly sunny, 55-64º

I got up at 5:30 a.m. to drive up to Grinnell, IA for a two-day kite festival. It was a bit colder than this last week, but sunny and a great day to fly kites. The wind was stronger than I like, but that was good for the mega-kites (octopi and such) that were in the air. I was told that the strong wind was not good for the hot air balloon that they tried to launch early in the day. I guess it pulled several cars along and damaged one vehicle when it was pulled over the big fan they use to inflate the balloon.

I flew my little Skyfox kite for a while - it does fine in the strong wind and one must fly a kite at a kite festival! I had to have help launching it a couple times. This older-style kite mostly does not self-launch, other than one time where I got lucky. A broken bridle caused me to stop flying the 'fox. I think it was just the many years of use and time and then the strong wind and maybe a gust that broke it. I do still have the instructions for making a new one, a task for a rainy day.

Ryan from Kansas City was very generous and let me fly his Wren inside for quite a while. It was very fun and I noticably got better as I also got tired (and sweaty) from walking fast backwards to fly it. It is easier to fly inside than my Prism 3d. After flying the Wren a while and talking to several people, I may change my mind about purchasing one and get some other kite for inside instead of a Wren.

Also inside were some exhibits of Kite Areial Photography (KAP) by Craig Wilson and a display of kite memerabilia. There were some other inside kites, mostly Craig Wilson's. I'll add some photos and maybe a video later when I have my camera stuff ready.

Paul Krekel let me borrow his single-string Skate kite to fly for a while inside on the other side of the gym from where a demo was happening. It was a lot of fun and I will eventually purchase a Skate. It is a very graceful glider.

In the evening there was an indoor kite competition. There weren't too many competors and there was a variety including a single line butterfly kite, several dual-line kites including a 2-stack, and a quad-line Revolution kite.

By the time the dusk "lighted kite" fly was to happen, the wind had died down to nothing. So that event didn't happen.

Friday, May 8, 2009

(I can't think of a good title)

Date: 5/8/09 (11th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 3-9 mph, SW
Weather: Mostly sunny (humid), 75º

It rained and thundered a lot last night and this morning, but the day cleared off by afternoon. It's humid, at least by this Montana boy's standards (I know -- just wait until the real Missouri summer happens). I just had to fly today to add to my good string of "days-in-a-row."

I did two more backspins (still shaky). I still need to work on recovering from them. I kind of flew conservatively today because I didn't want to break the kite before going to the "Kites Over Grinnell" festival tomorrow. It was a good afternoon to fly a kite.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Backspin'ing along

Date: 5/7/09 (10th day in a row) #1
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 0-6 mph, S
Weather: Sunny, 68º

The grass was very wet and there wasn't much wind. My kite quickly got very wet, and it did seem kind of heavy to fly.

My fades were very weird - didn't really work at all. Thinking back now, I wonder if the heavier wet kite had anything to do with it? At the time I thought it was a strange wind that was blowing somewhat downward.

It was a frustrating late-morning fly. Not enough wind, and it was kind of hot and muggy (without the wind) and a lot of standing around waiting for some wind.

- - - - - - - -
Date: 5/7/09 (10th day in a row) #2
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 4-9 mph, S
Weather: Sunny, 81º

Since the 1st fly was not so good and the wind seemed to become better, I went out a second time today (just before supper time). And I'm glad I did, because the wind was much sweeter, gentler, and more steady. And I had fun.

I flew most of my regular tricks. And I tried, and more or less succeeded, with a new trick, the backspin. The backspin is a horizontal spin from a fade position. I'm pretty sure I did a couple, but not very clean ones and they ended up on the ground at the end. Sometimes when I tried one, the kite just did a lateral roll (I think - I'll have to watch more carefully).

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dropping Cascade

Date: 5/6/09 (9th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 0-9 mph, S-SW
Weather: Mostly cloudy, 68º

I think I'm getting the hang of a cascade, at least a dropping cascade, at least in some wind conditions, at least when I'm lucky, at least... :^)

Today's wind was a little gusty making it hard to hold a fade. I did get some 540s.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy Cinco de Mayo! - Cascade?

Date: 5/5/09 (8th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 3-10 mph, S-SWS
Weather: Mostly sunny, 68º

I did a few: fade to lateral roll to back flip, though the back flips ended up right on the ground. I should probably try this combo farther from the ground :^)

I tried to do a left lazy susan immediately followed by a right lazy susan without any success.

I got the feel for (I think) for the Cascade - definitely a dropping cascade. A cascade is several half-axels linked together without any horizontal travel between them. This is definitely a trick I'll need to work on. Very cool!

540s mostly worked fine today.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Super Lazy Susan (x6)

Date: 5/4/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: Zephyr on 100'
Wind: 0 - 8 mph, SE
Weather: Partly sunny, 67º

This is the first time I flew the Zephyr on its longer line-set (100'). I have wanted to do this for a while now, but always picked the shorter lines for really low wind or the E2 for a little higher wind. It flew very well and had a slightly different feel to it - a marginally slower response to inputs.

I did some yo-yo's but no fruit roll-ups. And flew most of the usual tricks. I tried some 540s and succeeded with a few. The 540 with the Zephyr has a different feel to it during the recover stage of the trick than with the E2.

I did a multi-lazy susan where every time the kite came around I pulled gently again to keep it rotating (and minded the slack well) and got at least 6 (but maybe 7) rotations before it reached the ground! I was so amazed that the rotations kept succeeding that I didn't even try to recover to fly off - I just kept pulling the rotations.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Football not Soccer (Field)

Date: 5/3/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 8-14 mph, NE
Weather: Cloudy, 62º

There was soccer being played on my preferred field so I flew on the football field next to it.

The wind was a bit variable with gentle gusts. It was hard to hold fades. 540s worked well. I flew most of the regular tricks. I was a bit tired, probably from running around yesterday making my own wind, so I didn't fly as long as usual today.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Date: 5/2/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: Zephyr on 75', 3d on 18'
Wind: 0 - 5 mph, N (and none)
Weather: Mostly sunny, 70º

Not much wind, so I ran around in circles (backwards) with the 3d. On one try I made it at least three complete times around for at least 1080º. I was getting a little dizzy so I might have underestimated the number of times - it may have been four times around.

With a very light wind I was getting some very nice slow axels, with some very low-to-the-ground. I also got some nice 3d fades (walking fast backwards) and even a fade where I lateral-rolled it out to a flying position.

I flew the 3d without its top spreader, though I'm not sure how much difference it made.

The wind picked up a little and I flew the Zephyr for about 20 minutes. It was a bit of a struggle to keep it up in the air.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Happy May Day - Triple Lazy Susan!

Date: 5/1/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 6-12 mph, N
Weather: Cloudy (a few rain sprinkles), 56º

I did about 5 or 6 nice 540s.

I did a couple doubles and one triple lazy susan! I mostly tried to keep only the necessary amount of slack and then each time around pull the kite a bit to keep the rotation going.

Dan Tucker (?) came over and talked to me asking what kind of stunt kite to get for a 10-year-old. I suggested either a Beetle or a small dual-line parafoil.