Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Yummy Fruit Roll-ups

Date: 4/28/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: Zephyr on 75'
Wind: 2 - 6 mph, NNW
Weather: Cloudy, 65º

It was a good wind for the Zephyr - maybe with the wind a little lite. I flew some nice flare-to-fades and some very decent flic-flacs.

I did some yo-yo's and finally succeeded with Fruit Roll-up. A Fruit Roll-up is where you do a back-flip into a yo-yo, fly around a bit, then dive towards the ground, then do a flare, then un-roll the yo-yo, and keep unrolling into a fade. I did two of these today!

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