Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Date: 4/12/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 6 - 12 mph, E
Weather: Cloudy, 45º

I almost didn't go out to fly since it was overcast, a bit blustery, and the wind was supposed to become worse (higher) as the day progressed with a forecast of rain showers in the afternoon. It turned out to be a nice wind (for me) for an hour or so at which time it started getting too strong.

I had some pretty good flic-flacs today.

A city park security person approached me at one point. But instead of telling me that I couldn't fly, she just said that she wondered if I was at the park more often then her, and then asked me if I had seen anyone messing around the concession stand (I hadn't) - I guess they had had a break-in.

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