Wednesday, April 15, 2009

540ºs! Happy(?) Tax Day

Date: 4/15/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 5 - 10 mph, NE
Weather: Sunny, 62º

Since my taxes are all done, I went to fly a kite.

I took the Flight Guide manual that came with the Freestyle Pilot DVD with me and the instructions really helped for trying 540s. A 540 is when you get the kite into a flared (belly-down, nose-away) position and then pull on one line to spin the kite around horizontally 540º and then fly away (or do another 540º, if you can (I haven't tried doing more than one at a time)). I messed up some attempts, and then finally succeeded! Though with the first successful one, I wasn't totally sure I had actually done one. I can't do the trick yet "on-demand" and it doesn't always succeed. But, I did do about eight more, some in the center (near the ground) and some on the left edge of the wind window.

The day was also good for some flic-flacs. But the 540s were the highlight!

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