Saturday, September 3, 2011

Yin-Yang Debut

Date: 9/3/2011
Place: Fort Snelling Soccer Fields, Minneapolis, MN
Kites: Yin-Yang on 75'
Wind: 10 to 18 mph (gusty), N
Weather: Partly Cloudy, 78ยบ

I was visiting the Twin Cities for the Labor Day weekend and since the weather cooperated for kite flying, Justin and I went to the Fort Snelling soccer fields. It was the first flight for my new Yin-Yang kite. It flies OK, though I won't know which tricks it can do well until I fly it in a lower wind. It seems to axel OK, but with some overspin upon exiting. A back-flip also worked.

I flew Justin's Prism Jazz kite and his Prism 1.2 Snapshot parafoil. The parafoil was fun to fly with this wind, though I doubt I would buy a parafoil. At one point we tied a large sheet from my van onto the parafoil to see if it would fly with it -- it did! I took some photos of Justin's kites:

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