Sunday, September 18, 2011

Press the Shutter and Run!

Date: 9/18/2011
Place: 100 Acres Park, Moorhead, MN
Kites: Rev 1.5 "Hawk" SLE on 70'
Wind: 10 to 5 mph, S
Weather: Partly Cloudy, 70ยบ

There was a sunset with very pretty clouds.

Once again the wind pretty much died down as the sun set. I took some photos using the timer on my camera. I had to press the shutter and then run 70' to try and get into the picture next to the kite. Most of the time I didn't quite get there in time.

It was very fun flying today. I tried and somewhat succeeded at doing propeller spins just one time around, with a goal of crisp starts and stops.

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