Tuesday, September 6, 2011

1st Flight For My New "Hawk" SLE Revolution Kite

Date: 9/6/2011
Place: 100 Acres Park, Moorhead, MN
Kites: Rev 1.5 "Hawk" SLE on 70'
Wind: 9 to 4 mph, S
Weather: Sunny, 75º
1 flight at $258/flight

I "accidentally" bought a quad-line Revolution SLE kite on sale at KotiKites! I found out later that the sale was a pre-going-out-of-business sale and that I bought the last Rev SLE kite that they had. I had no choice about the color. I am dubbing it my "hawk" kite since its colors are black and red, the same as the colors for the Bozeman Senior High "Hawks", the high school I attended.

I flew it the same day I bought it. Ashraf was available and came out to the park to show me how to set it up, and give me some basic flying tips. I think I did well for a quad-line beginner.

I also flew the Prism Nexus kite that Ashraf "accidentally" bought on sale, too. It appears to be able to fade, back-flip, lazy susan, and flic-flac. I didn't try some of the other tricks I know because the wind was very light. I'm not sure that the Nexus would be an ideal first stunt kite for a beginner for learning tricks. A larger kite would move more slowly and be more trickable.

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