Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sky-Date: 9-10-11

Date: 9/10/2011
Place: 100 Acres Park, Moorhead, MN
Kites: Rev 1.5 "Hawk" SLE on 70', E2 on 65'
Wind: 6 to 12 mph, W
Weather: Sunny, 84ยบ
2 flights at $129/flight

I did well flying the Rev. I practiced diving down with an abrupt stop near the ground -- this needs a lot more practice. I didn't use a stake, but I can see where using a stake could be very useful, especially for re-launches. Flying the Rev is fun. I can see it will take a lot of practice to have a lot of control.

I tried the E2 at the end of the flying session, but there was too much wind for most of its usual tricks. I did only a few fades, a 540, one Jacob's Ladder rung, but no back-spins. And a few wing-tip wraps.

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