Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 - Full Moon Night fly

Date: 9/11/2011
Place: 100 Acres Park, Moorhead, MN
Kites: 4d on 20', Skate on variable
Wind: 2 to 6 mph, S
Weather: Clear, 70º

I arrived at the park just as the sun set. The full moon came up, but it was still a clear fairly-dark night. Ashraf was there flying his Revolution kite with a race-rod frame. The wind was too light for my SLE Rev, but I tried out Ashraf's kite. It flew well with the very light frame. But as the wind died down and with my lack of quad-line flying ability and the dark flying conditions, I found myself continuously backing up.

My 4d on 20' flew just fine in the light wind. I only did a couple of 360s (too much wind) plus the usual axels, spirals, and fades.

I got out my Skate (single line kite) and it flew just fine in the very light wind. But, I got bored enough after a short while that I switched back to the 4d.

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