Thursday, January 22, 2009

Side Glide with (newly repaired) E2!

Date: 1/22/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: light 7 mph
Weather: sunny, 60-degrees

I was able to fix the ripped E2 sail with a piece of Tedlar Repair Tape that was sent to me at no charge from the very generous The Kite Shoppe. My first repair :^o (I'll probably look back at this post after a 1000 repairs and wonder why a simple repair was post-worthy).

I had my first successful side glide! Translation: While attempting to glide the stalled kite across the horizon, I accidentally succeeded - the E2 glided in a horizontal position about half-way across the wind window. Now if only I can get it to do one whenever I want to :^) I am getting better at controlling the kite and am having fun doing it. A good day for flying.

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