Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sunny, gusty-wind day in Kansas City

Date: 1/31/09
Place: Kansas City, MO
Kites: Skyfox on 75' lines
Wind: gusty 20-30 mph
Weather: sunny, 62-degrees

The Kansas City Kite Club (KCKC) held a kite fly at the Arrowhead Stadium (KC Chiefs) parking lot. If I had arrived 15 minutes later, I would have missed it entirely - they were kicked off. As it was, the power/buggy kite people were still packing up. I went with them to another part of town (north of KC) to a strip of grass between a freeway and a mall parking lot.

It was very sunny and nice, but with higher winds than they expected - 20-30 with gusts. A few of the power kite guys launched anyway and it was fun watching them get dragged around. Sean Beaver, KCKC Pres, launched a few big kites including one that spirled and a huge octopus kite. I'll try to post some photos later.

I flew my old Skyfox kite, and it did just fine in that high wind, though its tubular tail shredded into parts, so now it has two tails, which looks good. I let a few of them fly it and they were amazed at how fast it flew.

It was a fun day and I made a few contacts in the KCKC.

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