Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Wind and Sun at My Back (at a Microsoft Field)

Date: 12/18/2011, Sunday
Place: Microsoft Field, Fargo, ND
Kites: Rev 1.5-b "Sunset" 4-wrap on 70'
Wind: 8 to 14 mph, SW
Weather: Sunny, 46ยบ
20 flights at $16.1/flight

I had to work today, Sunday, because I traded with a co-worker. (He wanted Christmas with his kids.) It was strange working on a Sunday. The day was very warm (for this time of year) and sunny and since it was Sunday and there were hardly any people working at the Microsoft Fargo Campus,  during lunch I decided to fly my kite in the field near the parking lot I usually park in.

The wind was very nice for the Sunset Rev. The sun and the wind (of course) were at my back. I did a lot of the usual flying. I worked a bit on hovering upside down and then sliding the kite sideways left and right -- a hard skill. Flying up and then (with no spinning at all) down at different slanting angles worked well today.

And, no, I didn't break any Windows at Microsoft!

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