Saturday, December 24, 2011

Silent Night Flying

Date: 12/24/2011
Place: 100 Acres Park, Moorhead, MN
Kites: Rev 1.5-b "Sunset" 4-wrap on 70'
Wind: 8 to 14 mph, W
Weather: Sunset, 39ยบ
22 flights at $14.64/flight

We went to the 100 Acres Park very late (for such a nice day), starting the flying session after the sun had set. There was a nice sunset that I mostly didn't see because it was behind my back. But it was still a fun kite fly. It was interesting to see (or try to see) the "Sunset" kite as it got darker. This kite was actually designed by people who fly near Las Vegas to be fairly visible at night, since it's often too hot to fly there during the day. I think that they succeeded nicely. It was surprisingly warm for so late in the day on a Christmas Eve. Also, the 1/4" of snow that we received yesterday was practically gone.

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