Friday, November 6, 2009

No Power Kite Jumping Allowed

Date: 11/6/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: Micron on 65' (with tail)
Wind: 14 - 25 mph (gusts to 25), S
Weather: Sunny, 72º

I got off work early to go to Booneville for a Missouri Folklore Society event. But, since the wind was blowing, I decided to do a little kite flying on the way out of town. There was a strong wind, and as I arrived I saw four young men packing up (a kite?) and preparing to leave. I talked to them a few minutes and they said that they had just started flying a power kite and as soon as they jumped a little, Cosmo Park Security told them that they could not do that. Evidently, if a kite pulls you off the ground, then it puts you in the classification of a hot air balloon and you need a costly permit!

I got out my E2, but immediately switched to my Micron because of how strong the wind was blowing. The Micron flew very fast and survived several good sized crashes, including one where the lower spreader came totaly off the kite (both ends).

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