Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Frosty Full Moon and Sunrise

Date: 11/3/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: Echo on 12', Skate
Wind: 0 - 1 mph, NE
Weather: Clear, 41º

I met Kelsey in the park at 6:00 AM. The grass was a little frosty before sunrise and the full moon was up providing most of the light for us (a street light provided a little, too) until the sun rose. I showed Kelsey the tricks I can fly with the Echo with no wind. Then I got out my Skate kite, and showed her how to fly it. She caught on very quickly and had fun flying it, while I flew the Echo some more. During the hour we were there someone (Kelsey insists that it was her) stepped on the single string kite winder ($5 in 1985) and broke a piece off the edge.

It was definitely a beautiful morning for low-wind/no-wind kite flying!

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