Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Warm Goodbye to November

Date: 11/28/09 Sat.
Place: Cosmo, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 6 - 11 mph, SW
Weather: Mostly sunny (with high cirrus clouds), 68º

It's lots warmer today and the grass is still green. I doesn't seem like November!

I did some more "blind" flying, even trying some loops. I had some very nice sleeping beauty launches and practiced some wing-tip stands. I also practiced side slides more than usual. I did some 540's mostly on the left, some cascades, and some back-spins (higher up in the wind window than usual).

Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday - Don't shop - fly a kite!

Date: 11/27/09
Place: Cosmo, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 5 - 9 mph, SW
Weather: Sunny, 52º

Wow, T-shirt weather at the end of November! But the park was very empty of people. (Wonder where they all were? Shopping?)

It was a "perfect" wind day again and with the average wind speed I was able to stay in one place and hold a fade without it rising nor falling. I did some 540s including one on the right. I also did a few nice back-spins, cascades and half-axels -- most of the usual tricks. I think I only had to walk to the kite four times.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Date: 11/26/09
Place: Cosmo, Columbia, MO
Kites: Micron on 65'
Wind: 6 - 15 mph, W
Weather: Mostly sunny, 42º

There were some dark gray clouds surrounded by blue sky with a gibbous moon. That was the background for the red and purple Micron which had the sun shining on it!

The lower spreader came completely out, but was luckily caught on the tail of the kite.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Flying Blind

Date: 11/25/09
Place: Cosmo, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 5 - 11 mph, W
Weather: Partly sunny, 45º

I got off work at 3:00 -- so I had enough daylight and time to fly a kite!

I did some 540s on the left, some cascades, one nice Jacob's Ladder rung, a nice set of Flic-Flacs, and some sleeping beauty launches. For something new, I tried flying with my eyes shut. I mostly did some back and forth flying with a few loops. It worked more easily than I thought it would.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Leaf Knots (twice)

Date: 11/23/09
Place: Cosmo, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 5 - 9 mph, SE
Weather: Mostly sunny, 62º

Today's wind was very nice for almost all of my tricks! It was maybe a little more gustier than the last couple of days. Three days of great winds in a row!

Did 540s, Back Flips, Lazy Susans, Flic-Flacs, Fades, Cascades, plus a Jacob's Ladder rung and a couple of so so Coin Tosses.

Twice leaves on the ground caught on both of the lines such that I had to untangle the knot by hand. I had never seen this happen before, and today it happened twice.

There were some "angel rays" from the sun. The E2 looked great flying near them and the sun!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

My Corner of the Sky

Date: 11/22/09 (Sunday)
Place: Cosmo, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 5 - 9 mph, SE
Weather: Mostly cloudy, 58º

Another excelant day with a little bit more wind than yesterday''s (almost) perfect wind. I felt like I was flying in "my corner of the sky."

I did about four Jacob Ladder rungs. With cascades I found that it helps watching the spine of the kite as it axels around. 540s and Back Flips both worked well today. I also had some nice Back Spins.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Perfect Wind (?!) Flic-Flac Heaven

Date: 11/21/09
Place: Cosmo, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 5 - 7 mph, SE
Weather: Cloudy, 56º

It felt like an almost perfect wind today -- very steady! It was Flic-Flac heaven. I was able to hold fades without moving forward or backwards. I even got several Jacob's Ladder rungs. It seemed much easier than usual to do almost all the tricks I know. I did some good cascades.

A very fun day!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Flying on Nightwings

Date: 11/20/09, Fri.
Place: ARC, Columbia, MO
Kites: Echo on 12'
Wind: 1 - 3 mph, NE
Weather: Mostly cloudy, 50º

This was another very nice 30-minute fly immediately after work. With a slightly stronger wind than yesterday, I was still able to pull off some 360s (uneven 360s).

Today I was notified at work that it is about 99% sure that my job would only last until 12/18 -- a two-week notice.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Crescent Moon Fade

Date: 11/19/09, Thurs.
Place: ARC, Columbia, MO
Kites: Echo on 12'
Wind: 0 - 2 mph, N
Weather: Partly cloudy, 47º

This was a 20 minute fly after work. With darkness approaching, there were very nice clouds, orange with the sunset. And a crescent moon! I flew the usual Echo tricks: 360s, up-and-overs, spiral-down helicopters, axels, and fades (into and out them). I had two successful up-and-overs into fades (I may need to come up with a name for this trick). I flew until it was dark and finished up with holding a fade with the crescent moon in the V of the Echo's wings.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Sweet Light Wind

Date: 11/14/09, Sat.
Place: Cosmo, Columbia, MO
Kites: 3d on 20', E2 on 65'
Wind: 4 - 6 mph, S
Weather: Mostly cloudy, 65º

With the 3d I did several 360s. At one point I lost one of its standoffs (I have a spare at home).

With the E2 I tried to run a 360 -- and failed. But on the other hand, I was able to do some very nice flic-flacs and a decent (for me) cascade.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Happy Friday the 13th

Date: 11/13/09, Fri.
Place: ARC, Columbia, MO
Kites: 3d on 20', E2 on 85'
Wind: 5 - 8 mph, S
Weather: Mostly cloudy, 55º

This was a nice 20 minute at the ARC on my way home from work. I flew the 3d only a very short while because the wind was a bit too strong for it. The E2 was more fun with this wind. As it got darker and darker, it was interesting to see the streetlights through the clear Mylar part of the kite!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

November T-shirt Weather

Date: 11/8/09, Sun.
Place: Cosmo, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85', Beetle (Kelsey's)
Wind: 8 - 15 mph, SW
Weather: Sunny, 60 - 70º

I helped Kelsey fly her Beetle. I he lped her learn to fly a loop. She got better at launches.

I flew my E2 as the wind got more gentle -- a very nice wind! I flew a little bit of all the tricks I know, including a Jacob's Ladder Rung. My 540's were snappy on the left, and I only succeeded with one 540 on the right.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Possible 1080 (bicycle polo without kites)

Date: 11/7/09, Sat.
Place: Cosmo, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 9 - 15 mph, SW
Weather: Sunny, 70º

There was too much wind for the tricks I like to practice so I ended flying a lot more loops and figure 8's than usual. I had a lot of wing-tip wraps. I did succeed with a "540" that may have actually been a 1080.

A bicycle polo tournament was happening in the park. Quite a few bicycles rode past me, probably admiring my kite flying (?), so I went and watched them compete for a while - quite a rough sport.

Friday, November 6, 2009

No Power Kite Jumping Allowed

Date: 11/6/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: Micron on 65' (with tail)
Wind: 14 - 25 mph (gusts to 25), S
Weather: Sunny, 72º

I got off work early to go to Booneville for a Missouri Folklore Society event. But, since the wind was blowing, I decided to do a little kite flying on the way out of town. There was a strong wind, and as I arrived I saw four young men packing up (a kite?) and preparing to leave. I talked to them a few minutes and they said that they had just started flying a power kite and as soon as they jumped a little, Cosmo Park Security told them that they could not do that. Evidently, if a kite pulls you off the ground, then it puts you in the classification of a hot air balloon and you need a costly permit!

I got out my E2, but immediately switched to my Micron because of how strong the wind was blowing. The Micron flew very fast and survived several good sized crashes, including one where the lower spreader came totaly off the kite (both ends).

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Cold Frosty Morning

Date: 11/5/09 (6:00-7:00 AM)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: Echo on 12'
Wind: 0 - .5 mph, NE
Weather: Clear, sunny 35º

It was a cold frosty morning and it was dark, with moonlight, followed by a sunrise. It was cold enough that the toes of my Crocs became as frosty as the grass.

During the dark part, I flew by "feel" mostly. I did some 360-side-slides. The Echo bobbled some -- I'm sure that this trick will be much easier in true indoor conditions.

By the end of this flying session my clothes, including hat and gloves, were all very wet from condensation.

The VOX article featuring me came out today. Kelsey (and the editor) did a pretty good job!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Frosty Full Moon and Sunrise

Date: 11/3/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: Echo on 12', Skate
Wind: 0 - 1 mph, NE
Weather: Clear, 41º

I met Kelsey in the park at 6:00 AM. The grass was a little frosty before sunrise and the full moon was up providing most of the light for us (a street light provided a little, too) until the sun rose. I showed Kelsey the tricks I can fly with the Echo with no wind. Then I got out my Skate kite, and showed her how to fly it. She caught on very quickly and had fun flying it, while I flew the Echo some more. During the hour we were there someone (Kelsey insists that it was her) stepped on the single string kite winder ($5 in 1985) and broke a piece off the edge.

It was definitely a beautiful morning for low-wind/no-wind kite flying!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Backyard Hazards to Avoid

Date: 11/1/09
Place: Skye Wynd Backyard, Columbia, MO
Kites: Echo on 12'
Wind: 0 - 0.5 mph
Weather: Clear, 48º

This was a 20 minute flying session in the morning before work. The short days and lack of light before and after work are not allowing me the flying (and exercise) time that I like.

I flew the usual Echo tricks (up-and-overs, spirals, 360s, and axels), all the while avoiding the house, power lines, tree branches, and mole holes in the yard.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Flying Session #200 - VOX Photos

Date: 11/1/09
Place: Cosmo, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 7 - 15 mph, W
Weather: Sunny, 57º

This flying session was, if I have my records correct (and know how to count), number 200 for the year!

I met Kelsey, a new enthusiastic dual-line flyer (and VOX reporter), at Cosmo to help her fly her learn to fly her new Beetle. Two VOX photographers also showed up. It was a little strange having them lurking around taking lots of photos. Kelsey was a little nervous with them there, so I got my E2 out to give them a demo of some trick flying. I flew fairly well for this demo, but was not able to do any decent flic-flacs until after they left. Kelsey was called in to work early and also left. I flew for another hour since the wind and weather conditions were so nice.