Friday, October 2, 2009

Sort of like last Spring

Date: 10/2/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85', Micron on 65' (with tail)
Wind: 7 - 14 mph (gusty), W
Weather: Cloudy, 60º

The wind was a little stronger than I usually like and it reminded me of the flying I did last spring when I wasn't very good at low-wind flying yet. So I did the tricks that I had under my belt last spring plus some 540s. The wind was a little tricky for fades, but I was able to pull off a few anyways. I flew one backflip all the way to the ground.

Since the wind was strong enough, I also flew my Micron with its tail. I did a bunch of fast loops and since it was gusty, also some slow loops.

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