Sunday, June 7, 2009

Twisted Lines, Sun.

Date: 6/7/09
Place: 21st and Urish, Topeka, KS
Kites: E2 on 85', a single-line "Vic's Fighter Kite"
Wind: 10 - 18 mph, SE
Weather: Sunny, 75-88ยบ

The second day of Twisted Lines started out cooler and with a lighter wind, though still higher than my preferred wind speed. I flew my E2 and it did fine for 540s, axels, 1/2-axels, and back-flips. The wind was too strong for me to do fades and the tricks based on fades.

Later in the afternoon I got out a Vic's Fighter Kite, which is a single-line fighter that I bought in the 1980's. It still works, and actually flew quite well in the moderate wind. I would need some practice to be able to control it very well. You control it by giving it slack so it becomes unstable and wobbles around until it points in the direction you want it go, then you pull to fly it in that direction. I did crash it a few times and crossed another kite's line once, though I didn't cut their line :^)

It started getting hot so Annett and I hit the road for the 3-4 hour trip back to Columbia.

This was a fun kite festival with very friendly people!

1 comment:

  1. I love kites! ! ive never been to a kite festival before. Your website and blog are great. Thanks for posting your stuff and art work.
