Saturday, June 6, 2009

Twisted Lines, Sat.

Date: 6/6/09
Place: 21st and Urish, Topeka, KS
Kites: Flip Kite, 3d on 12', Tumbling Cube
Wind: 15 - 30 mph, S; 0 mph, Inside
Weather: Sunny, 88ยบ

Annett and I drove to Topeka, Kansas for the Twisted Lines kite festival. It was hot and sunny and with quite strong (and gusty) winds. There were some medium big items up in the air, such as windsocks. And Steve was flying a Prism with a 100' tail.

It was too windy for me to fly my dual-line kites, but I did try the Prism Flip Kite I had purchased at R.E.I. recently. It flew very well considering the gusty conditions - fun (for a single line kite).

In the evening there was an inside fly at a local high school gym. I flew my 3d for the first time truly inside. It flew much better than I expected. I was able to do 360s and axels. Up-and-overs were not as easy as with the Wren I flew in Grinnell. And the 3d was also not as floaty as the Wren, but still I had fun flying the 3d indoors!

That evening they also had an auction to benefit diabetes. Most of the stuff was for single-line kites or was actual single-line kites. There was a nice dual-line that I should have bid on, but the only other item (besides a T-shirt I bought) I was interested in (actually very interested in) was a Tumbling Cube kite that someone had made. I bid on it and got it for $16! I would have bid much higher for it. I flew it for about 15 minutes after the auction and it flew well and was fun, just like the one Craig Wilson let me borrow to fly at Grinnell.

I took a lot of photos and some videos (using an HD Flip Video Camera from work) and hope to have these available from this blog sometime in the not too distant future.

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