Saturday, June 27, 2009

Football :^(

Date: 6/27/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: 3d on 12', E2 on 85'
Wind: 2 - 7 mph, SW
Weather: Sunny, 75º

There are little (dwarf?) football players all over my kite flying field! :^( OK, they have a right to be there, too. But it seems a little strange to me to dress kids up in football helmets and pads to play a "silly" game with the adults, watching, coaching, yelling, and mostly trying to get their kids to be just like the pro football players. And there was room for me to fly on an adjacent field - so stop grumbling, Neil!

The 3d kite holds a fade really well. In fact, it's a little hard to get out of a 3d fade.

With the E2, I got one rung of a Jacob's Ladder. And generally flew the usual medium-low wind tricks (fades, flic-flacs, backspins).

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