Saturday, December 5, 2009

Missourian reporter (again!? I must be an easy target)

Date: 12/5/09
Place: Cosmo, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 6 - 11 mph, S
Weather: Sunny, 36º

It's sunny and the grass is still green, but the temperature is now back to a more expected value for December. I flew the E2 and had it do some tricks for a Missourian reporter, Katheryn. I'm not sure if this actually generated an article.

I was able to do most of the usual tricks: Flic-Flacs, Back-spin (left handed), 540 (also on the left), Back-flips with Lazy Susans, and some nice axels into fades. Another nice day for kite flying.

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